Sunday, December 13, 2009

Schedule for 12/14 - 12/18

M - Art
T - Gym
W - Music
Th - Art & Media
F - Gym & Computer

This week we will be celebrating Holidays Around the World. Each student will have a passport and will travel (walk!) to the other kindergarten classrooms. Each K teacher is teaching about 2 different countries, so when the week is over the students will have learned about traditions in eight different areas of the world.

We will be having our book exchange on Friday afternoon. If you'd like your child to participate remember to send in a wrapped new (or gently used) book by Friday.

This Thursday will be Ms. Goodwater's last day with us. She's done a great job with the kids and will be a terrific teacher. We will miss having her in our room!

1 comment:

Becky Hall said...

Holidays around the world was great! We all learned something about each culture at our own home when we reviewed the passport. thanks.