Monday, December 6, 2010

Schedule for 12/6 - 12/10

M - Art
T - Gym & Music
W - Music & Gym
Th - Art, Media
F - Gym & Music, Computer

This week in Kindergarten we are starting to celebrate Holidays Around the World. Each day this week the students will use their passports and travel to another Kindergarten classroom to learn about a country and their holiday traditions.

In math we will continue to work on Chapter 5: Geometry and Fractions. We will also be learning about symmetry this week!

Next Tuesday, December 14th, we will be going on a field trip to the Old Log Theater in Excelsior. We will be seeing their holiday children's show - Puss in Boots. We will leave around 9:15 in the morning and return to school in time for lunch. We do have room for 2 parents to ride the bus and more are welcomed to meet us there. Cost for adults is $8.00. Please contact me if you would like to attend.

Please make sure to send clothes for your child to go outside each day. Also, if you could write their name on the tags of their snowpants, hats, etc...that will help us track it down if something does get lost!

Have a great week!

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