Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sight Words

Above is a list of the 34 sight words that your child will learn throughout the year. Most of the words are from our Harcourt curriculum and the rest were added from the Fry Sight Word List. Students have learned the first three so far and I will usually introduce one new word a week.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Schedule for 9/29 - 10/3

M - Art (sport/jersey day)
T - Gym (pj's or comfy clothes day)
W - Music (crazy hair day)
Th - Art & Media (clash/mismatch day)
F - Gym (spirit wear day)

We have a busy week ahead of us in K-1!  It is Homecoming this week in Westonka and Shirley Hills will be participating in the dress up days (see schedule above).  

We will be learning all about the letter B this week.  We will practice writing it, working on the sound it makes, and finding words that begin with B.  We will do a fun art project about Goldilocks and the Three Bears and might even attempt to act out the story!  I will be starting to introduce some of our sight words, as well.  Check back later in the week for a list of all the words that the students will learn throughout the year.  

In math we'll continue our work on patterning and in social studies we will continue to learn about our families.  

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bus Safety

Today the students at Shirley Hills practiced how to ride the school bus safely.  Bus drivers spoke to the students about the importance of staying in their seats and keeping their voices down while riding the bus.  We even practiced evacuating the bus through the rear door.  

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Remember to return books!

Tomorrow we have Media with Mrs. Williams.  Please help your child remember to return their library book if they haven't already done so.  
Have a great night!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Schedule for 9/22 - 9/26

M - Gym
T - Music & Picture Day
W - Art
Th - Gym & Media
F - Music

This week we will be working on the letter F.  In math, we will begin Chapter 2 - Patterns.  Students will work on copying, predicting, and extending patterns.  We've also made it to Chapter 2 in Social Studies and will be learning about the various people that make up our families.  

This Tuesday (Sept. 23) is our school picture day.  There was a form in the last Friday folder with more details.  If you would like to order pictures, please fill out the form and have your child return it to me on Monday or Tuesday.  Our class is scheduled to get our pictures taken at 9:00am.  

Friday, September 19, 2008

M & M graphing

 The students will learn about many types of graphs throughout the year.  Each morning we graph the weather on a bar graph and today the students had a chance to create their own.  In honor of our letter of the week, M, we used M & M's to fill in the graphs!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Social Studies

The students have been learning a lot about each other through our first chapter in Social Studies. We've made posters about the Things We Can Do, watched a short video about feelings, and today we will begin making our Who Am I books. Each student will create their own book filled with clues about themselves. We'll read the books as a class and use the clues to figure out who the author is. Look for the posters and books to come home in Friday folders tomorrow.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Schedule for 9/15 - 9/19

M - Music
T - Art
W - Gym & Apple Orchard trip
Th - Music & Media (remember to return books)
F - Art

This week we will be working on the letter M.  Students will be practicing how to write upper and lowercase M's and will work on identifying the sound that it makes.  Below is an example of the lines that we write on with our SmartBoard.  

When we work on handwriting, we refer to the top line as the "sky", middle line is the "fence", and the bottom line is the "ground".  Have your child practice writing their first name at home with you!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Apple Orchard Field Trip

Our first field trip is quickly approaching!  We will be heading to the Deardorff Apple Orchard next Wednesday, September 17th.  We will be eating our regular lunch at school and then leaving at 1:00.  We'll return to Shirley Hills at 3:00.  
Our volunteers are all set up to ride the bus with us, but feel free to join us there if you would like!  

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Schedule for 9/8 - 9/12

M - Art & Character Assembly
T - Gym
W - Music
Th - Art & Media
F - Gym

This week we will be working more on getting used to our schedule.  The students will also be practicing walking quietly in the halls, raising hands during group discussions, listening to directions, etc.  Spending time on these things procedures now will make it easier later on in the year.  It usually takes a bit of time before it all falls into place!

We will be starting Chapter 1 in Social Studies this week - Who Am I?  The students will learn about the likes and dislikes of their classmates as well as different characteristics that we have.  We will be drawing pictures, playing games with partners, and making a book about ourselves. 

If you haven't already, please remember to send in $28 for our field trips.  Thank you!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School!

K-1 had a terrific start to the year!  The students are energetic and eager to learn what we will be doing throughout the day.  They were especially curious to know when snack and lunch were going to be!  
We had Gym today with Mr. Halvarson and tomorrow have Music with Mrs. Bray.  
Tomorrow I will be sending home a Friday Folder with your child.  Inside will be projects from the week and notes from the office.  Please return the empty folder with your child on Monday!