Friday, January 30, 2009


Conferences will be held the last week of February. Make sure to check your child's Friday folder for a note with the date and time!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Schedule for 1/26 - 1/30

M - Music
T - Art
W - Gym & Computer
Th - Music & Media
F - Art & Pennies for Patients assembly

This week our letter of the week is Ee, sight word is can, and our word family is -ag. We will be finishing up chapter 5 in math - Equal parts. We'll briefly talk about fractions (halves, thirds, and fourths) and then we will begin chapter 6 - Numbers 10-30.

We will do the first few lessons from chapter 7 in social studies - What Is in My Neighborhood? The class will identify three characteristics of neighborhoods (buildings, people, and outdoor places). Later on in the chapter we will create a neighborhood in our classroom.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Schedule for 1/19 - 1/23

M - No School
T - Music
W - Art & Computer
Th - Gym & Media (remember to return books)
F - No School - Teacher Workshop 

Because of the short week, we do not have a letter of the week or a new word family.  We will, however, do two new sight words - his and as.  This week we will be working on learning about symmetry and equal parts of an object.  

We are into our second week of doing reading groups/centers in the afternoons.  The class is doing awesome!  We have a full hour set aside 3 times a week.  During that hour, the students are broken into groups of 2 or 3 and rotate into 3 centers each day.  While they are in their groups, I pull students to work on guided reading.  I've also used this time to re-assess for report cards coming up (end of Feb.).  

Thanks to everyone who has sent in a box/bag of extra snacks for the classroom!  It's nice to have extras on hand in case someone forgets!

Have a great day!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Just a reminder that there is no school next Monday or Friday. Monday is MLK Jr. Day and Friday is a workshop day for teachers.

Because of school closing on Thursday our symmetry chapter will be moved to next week.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Schedule for 1/12 - 1/16

M - Art
T - Gym
W - Music & Computer
Th - Art & Media
F - Gym

This week we are working on the letter T, our sight word is my, and our word family is -ad. We will be starting guided reading groups this week. We will do them on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. We have 9 centers set up, students will do three centers a day. While they are working in their centers, I'll be pulling students (sometimes groups, sometimes individual) over to work with me. This will be a great time for the students to have more reading practice at their level.

On Tuesday we will continue our work on Chapter 5 in math and learn about symmetry. More on that later in the week.

It sounds like we're in for some very chilly Minnesota weather the next few days! Please make sure to send in all of their gear (boots, snowpants, etc.) in case they end up going out for recess.

Have a great week!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Schedule for 1/5 - 1/9

M - Gym & Character class
T - Music
W - Art & Computer
Th - Gym & Media
F - Music

We are off to a busy start in 2009! The students are working on the letter A this week and our new sight word is with. Today I introduced word families to the class. We are starting with the -an family (ran, can, fan, man, etc.). The class has picked up on this concept well and will be learning a new word family each week. They have a pink sheet with words to practice in their cubbies and will bring them home on Friday in their folder. Here's a few examples of the sentences that they are learning to read:

Can I fan the man?
I can fan the man.

Can the man fan Dan?
The man can fan Dan.

Can Dan fan the man?
Dan can fan the man.

We are beginning Chapter 5 in math - Geometry and Fractions! The class will be learning attributes of solid figures and shapes, recognizing symmetrical figures, and comparing parts that are equal.

Thank you for remembering to send warm clothes for recess! Today everyone had snowpants, boots, hats, and gloves!