Monday, September 27, 2010

Schedule for 9/27 - 10/1

M - Gym/Music
T - Music/Gym
W - Art
Th - Gym/Music, Media (remember to bring books back)
F - Music/Gym

This week we will be working on the letter T. We'll finish up Chapter 1 in math and start Chapter 2 - Patterns. Today we will start our year-long observation of a tree and we'll record what we see in our tree journals. Tomorrow we will meet with our 4th grade buddies!

Here are a few pictures from last week:
Our table groups were working on sorting by shape and color.

Max and Dylan spent much of their free choice time working on their drawings!

Helena was our star of the week and her Mom was able to come in and read to us!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Schedule for 9/20 - 9/24

M - Music/Gym
T - Art
W - Gym/Music
Th - Music/Gym, Media (remember to return books)
F - Art

This week we are learning about the letter R and our new sight word is: a. We are starting to talk about syllables and have been practicing breaking words into parts. The class has also been learning about what it means to label something. In math, we are working on vocabulary that we'll hear throughout the year: above, below, left, right, etc.

We will go to Media again on Thursday, please make sure that your child has returned their book by Thursday morning so they can check out a new one.

Picture day is coming up on the 28th, next Tuesday. K-1 is scheduled to get our class and individual pictures taken at 9:00, so make sure that the kids are to school on time :) Forms will be sent home in this week's Friday folder. Return them on Monday or by Tuesday morning.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Schedule for 9/13 - 9/17

M - All School assembly, Art
T - Gym
W - Music
Th - Art
F - Gym, Innisbrook kickoff assembly

This week the class will learn all about the letters M and S. We'll practice handwriting, recognizing upper and lowercase letters, and learning the sound that they make. We will introduce our first sight word: I. Each week we will learn vocabulary words, this week they are: ability, talent, confident, complained, encourage, and reverse.

Thank you to all of the parents for helping to make last week go so smoothly. It was great to meet all of the families at conferences. I'm looking forward to another great week!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Day

We had a great first day in K-1. The students were ready to go and eager to find out what the schedule was for the day. We did our September journals, celebrated a birthday, read a couple of books, did a hand-stamping project, and learned how to go through the lunch line in the cafeteria. It was a busy day!