Friday, May 28, 2010

One more time

We were able to spend some time with Mrs. Williams yesterday for the last time as Kindergarteners. Today was our last time with Mrs. Couser in the computer lab. We let the kids play with the cameras...I think Mrs. Couser and I had just as much fun as they did!

Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Notes from our class!

We've been keeping very busy in K-1! We are nearing the end of our Language Arts curriculum and will be doing lots of review of sight words and vocabulary words. In math, we have moved from learning about addition to introducing subtraction.

A few reminders for the end of the year:

* June 4th is our Super Team Day. Mr. Halvarson has all of the Kindergarten and 1st grade classes mixed up into teams that will compete on Friday morning. Please make sure that your child has appropriate shoes for playing outside that day!

* June 9th is our last field trip to the Delano park. We'll be back in time to have lunch at school.

* Feel free to send in a bottle of sunscreen with your child. A few kids have been using some before they go out for recess.

* Since we don't have air conditioning in our room, it can get pretty warm in the afternoon. Please send in a water bottle for your child to have at their seat during the day.

* Mrs. Williams has started to collect library books for the summer. Make sure that all books have been returned by next week.

The kids are getting very excited for summer and have been asking lots of questions about what 1st grade will be like :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Schedule for 5/10 - 5/14

M - Gym
T - Music
W - Art
Th - Gym, Media (remember books!) and watch Operetta dress rehearsal
F - Music & Computer

This morning we celebrated all of our April character slip winners. In math, we learned about using tally charts to record information. The students did a great job!