T - Music
W - Art & Computer
Th - Gym & Media (remember to return books)
F - No School - Teacher Workshop
Because of the short week, we do not have a letter of the week or a new word family. We will, however, do two new sight words - his and as. This week we will be working on learning about symmetry and equal parts of an object.
We are into our second week of doing reading groups/centers in the afternoons. The class is doing awesome! We have a full hour set aside 3 times a week. During that hour, the students are broken into groups of 2 or 3 and rotate into 3 centers each day. While they are in their groups, I pull students to work on guided reading. I've also used this time to re-assess for report cards coming up (end of Feb.).
Thanks to everyone who has sent in a box/bag of extra snacks for the classroom! It's nice to have extras on hand in case someone forgets!
Have a great day!