M - Music & Character Class
T - Art
W - Gym & Computer
Th - Music, Media, & Grandfriends' Day
F - No School - Teacher workshop
We have a very busy week ahead of us! This week we will be working on the letter H and our new sight word is
have. Here are the seven sight words that I will be assessing the students on in the next couple of weeks:
I, a, the, see, to, he, and
On Monday, K-1 will have their first Character Class with Mrs. Swanson in the afternoon. She will be doing activities that are centered around our six character traits (honesty, kindness, respect, responsibilities, self-control, and work ethic).
Also on Monday evening from 5-8, stop by Shirley Hills to check out the Sholastic Book Fair Safari. Last week during Media, Mrs. Williams explained to the students how the book fair works and showed them lots of cool new books that will be available!
Thursday is Grandfriends' Day at Shirley Hills. Two weeks ago you received a purple note from Mrs. Bray explaining the schedule. Our class will be singing in the 1:30-2:45 performance. At 2:45, Grandfriends are welcomed to come down to our classroom to do a project with the students. Please make sure to send back the bottom of the purple slip to let me know how many Grandfriends are attending and if you would like your child to go home with them at the end of the day.
One more thing! Friday folders will be going home on Thursday this week. Check them for a reminder about when your child's conference is.
Have a great week!