Thursday, October 2, 2008

4th grade buddies & P - D - B???

Today we met our 4th grade buddies!  Each student was matched up with a 4th grader from Mrs. Henkels' class.  The Kindergarteners listened to their buddy read them a story and worked hard to remember the name of their new friend!  We will try meet up with them a couple of times each month.  

I explained to the students how our grading works at Shirley Hills.  The students will not be getting A's and B's on their report cards in November.  Instead, they will be getting P's, D's and B's.  Confusing, right?  Here's the breakdown:
P - Proficient
D - Developing
B - Beginning  
Occasionally, I will use these letter grades on worksheets or you know what they stand for!