T - Art
W - Gym & Computer
Th - Music & Media
F - Art
This week we will be working on the letter S. We'll spend more time this week on making sure that first names are written correctly and writing numerals 1-10.
Plans are in full speed to get ready for our Blue Ribbon celebration. Click here to read about what the award is! On Monday, K-1 students will be tie-dyeing t-shirts to wear on our October 24th celebration. Last week the students were fitted for a t-shirt and many of you have sent in the $2 to pay for them. If you haven't already, please remember to send that in this week, as well as the blue permission form to have your child's hair sprayed blue. Our class will be creating a Vision & Dream banner to go above our classroom door. Please send in a photo of your child for this project!
Have a great start to the week!