M - Art
T - Gym
W - Music
Th - Art & Media
F - Gym, Computer, and Grandfriend's Day
This week instead of focusing on a new letter, the students will be learning phonograms: -at, and -an. They will use what they have learned about rhyming
and letter sounds to help them blend sounds together to create words. Our sight word for the week is to. Vocabulary words are: sly, proceed, apparel, announced, imaginary and precisely.
In math we will be finishing up our chapter with numbers 0-9. It's very important the the students are learning how to write their numbers (and letters!) correctly. In class we've been practicing starting at the "sky", going through the "fence", and ending at the "ground". When you practice writing at home, please reinforce this skill!
The book fair is going on in the Media center. Stop in and check out all the new books! The class will have the chance to fill out a wish list. I'm hoping to coordinate a time with our 4th grade buddies to get the list filled out. We will send them home as soon as we get them finished.
Friday is Grandfriend's Day at Shirley Hills. If your child is going home with their Grandfriend on Friday, please make sure that you have filled out the yellow form and have sent it back by Friday morning.
Our class will be having a student teacher start with us on Monday. Ms. Goodwater will be with us through December. We are looking forward to having her learn all about Kindergarten! Look for a letter from her in this week's Friday Folder.
Ok, enough for now. Go Vikings!