Sunday, September 27, 2009

Schedule for 9/28 - 10/2

M - Gym
T - Music & Picture Day
W - Art
Th - Gym & Media (remember to return books)
F - Music & Computer

This week we will be learning about the letter T and our new sight word is my. There are no new vocabulary words for the week, but we'll spend time reviewing the ones that we have already learned.

The class has been working on syllable segmentation. We talked about how words are like puzzles. They can be taken apart and put back together again. Practice this skill at home! Examples: pen-cil....pencil, mark-er...marker. We even practiced words with 4 or 5 syllables!

In math we will continue our work on patterns. Students will practice copying and extending patterns.

We will begin our first Social Studies lesson - Who Am I? Students will learn about how they are similar and different from their classmates. We will discuss things that we care about and things we can do. At the end of the lesson the students will create a book about who they are.

A few reminders:

* Library books are due on Thursday's. If you finish them early you may bring them back early.

* Picture Day is on Tuesday. If you would like to order pictures, make sure you send the form back on Tuesday.

* Next Thursday is our first field trip to the Deardorff Orchards in Waconia. We have a couple of parents riding the bus with us, but if anyone else is interested you can meet us there. E-mail me for more details!

* It looks like we'll have some cooler temperatures this week. Make sure to send a jacket with for when the class is outside!

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