M - Music
T - Art
W - Gym & Computer & Earth Day
Th - Music, Statewide tornado drill @ 1:45
F - Art & Media
S - Shirley Hills Spring Carnival!!!
Due to testing in 3rd and 4th grade, our Media time will be switched to Friday this week. So you have one extra day to enjoy the current book you have! This week we are working on the letter N, our sight word is it, and word family is -ip. We will continue to practice measurement in math this week.
The carnival will be this Saturday from 11:00 - 3:00. Please come and enjoy the food, fun, and games. Also, be sure to check out the silent auction in the Media Center. All proceeds from the carnival will directly benefit Shirley Hills. Thanks to everyone for bringing in coffee and tea items for our classroom basket!
This Wednesday is Earth Day. K-1 students made a pledge to Mrs. Swanson to do something on Wednesday to make a difference. The students decided to spend the day without using electricity in our classroom! No lights, no listening center, no SmartBoard. We'll be hand delivering our attendance to the office and I will be giving up the use of my computer for the day! Check back later in the week for more about Earth Day!