T - Gym & Music, 4th grade buddies
W - Art
Th - Music & Gym, Media
F - Gym & Music, Computer
This is a review week for us in language arts. Remember to keep practicing these sight words: like, come, to, here, this, he, a, I, my, the and go.
Our word families for this week are -it and -ip. We will also be working on listening for the middle sound in words.
The kids are getting really good at using their "smartie spelling". They are becoming much more comfortable when they are writing in their journals and it's great to see how far their writing has come along.
Pastries for Parents is this Thursday morning in the cafeteria from 7:45 - 8:45. "That morning, we will be decorating and assembling “Breakfast Bags” for families to eat while they are at the Ronald McDonald House. We are asking families to donate the following supplies to fill the bags: granola bars, cereal bars (i.e., NutriGrain bars), juice boxes or pouches (100% juice only, please), and individual servings of apple sauce, nuts, or trail mix."
Ms. Bridge will be my substitute for when I go on maternity leave (hopefully not for a few weeks!). She will be joining us on Thursday and Friday to spend some time with the class and get to know the routines!
Have a great week!
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